
Introducing Pagten - the perfect app to inspire and engage confirmation students. Designed to spark curiosity and enthusiasm, this innovative tool is sure to captivate the attention of young learners while making the learning process fun and interactive.

Pagten offers five exciting games, each designed to help confirmation students explore and understand the church in a unique way. From an exhilarating escape room game that challenges players to complete the Reformation, to a game that helps them learn the Ten Commandments, and even one that delves into the Creed.


Pagten is an app that allows priests to incorporate digital games into their teaching without the need for technical expertise.

about pact

Pagten utilizes movement, collaboration, and gamification to motivate confirmation students to delve into church-related topics. Through the app, as well as accompanying materials in Kahoot and analog group tasks, it creates an interactive learning environment that is perfectly suited for young individuals.

Pagten is an app that allows priests to incorporate digital games into their teaching without the need for technical expertise. As a priest, you will need to set up QR codes in the church before the game can be used. The app can be used unlimitedly by all visitors of the church.

Pagten is incredibly user-friendly and requires no technical expertise to use. Simply download the app and scan the church's QR code to start playing. With accompanying guides for each game, students are ensured to find deeper meaning and connection in their learning experience.

So if you're looking for a fresh and exciting way to teach confirmation students about your faith in a fun and engaging manner, Pagten is the perfect choice. Sign up today and discover a whole new world of learning!

screens pact


How does it work?

1. Confirmation students install "Pagten" and scan the initial QR code of the church.

2. The priest places a series of QR codes in specific locations within the church.

3. Confirmation students solve motivational tasks individually or in groups.

4. The priest has access to interactive learning with a Kahoot quiz on the topic.

5. The priest can also incorporate analog tasks and group work as part of the teaching process.



(ex. VAT)

Annual subscription

200 EUR



10 EUR


Total with 25 confirmands 25 EUR/yr
1 100

The cost is 200 EUR per church, plus an additional 10 EUR per confirmation student.

The annual subscription is valid from August to July and grants access to the church's

confirmation students, mini-confirmation students, church council, and congregation.

The games can be replayed multiple times within the license period.

A 20% discount is available for a 3-year subscription.

What do the priests say?

“Det gik som smurt med det første hold og var et hit igen tak for opfindelsen”

- Marlene

“Fedt, Vi har også haft to af tre hold igennem Udforsk – med god succes.”

- Christian

“Når det så er sagt, så er jeg virkelig positiv! Jeg har prøvet andre former for ”udforsk kirken”, men ingen har fungeret lige så godt. Jeg er overbevist om, det er en blanding af hints og point, der giver en succes.”

- Lise

“Udforsk kirken fungerede rigtig godt. De gik virkelig op i det. Måske en funktion der gør at de ikke kan starte forfra før alle er igennem - et par drenge fandt ud af at de ikke vandt - så startede de forfra før de sidste var færdige og endte med at svare alt rigtigt :-) så konkurrencen blev lidt udfordret ;-) men hvor var det sjovt;-)”

- Daniel


- Barbara

“Jeg ville ønske vi lærte lige så meget hver gang vi var til konfirmationsundervisning”

- Konfirmand

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Realistic 3D model

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3D model of the church

We have developed an exact copy of Nr. Bjert Kirke to show the potential of a digital church. The visitor can move freely outside and inside. The church can create the setting for a guided tour or an exciting story. Contact us for a chat about your church.