thorus knot

Body Mind Team Play


An active body improves learning.


The brain is like a parachute.
It only works when it is open.


If you want to go fast
“go alone”.
If you want to go long
“go together”.


Learning is boosted when you get inspired.

be inspired

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.”

Charles Darwin

the Sample 10-15 min

Behavioural profile

3 min test


What if you could motivate people to learn?

Our solutions can be used in

corporations, public organizations, universities, schools, museums, churches, playgrounds.

We enrich reality with an inspiring digital dimension.

When you have fun, you remember what you have learned.



Our dream

To motivate and engage people to challenge status quo and thus live a richer, more meaningful and purposeful life.

Our purpose

Create the best inspiring learning tools accessible and useful for private & public companies improving:

Trust Communication Collaboration

Prioritization Delegation Creativity

We believe in PPP


Do not Manage People; inspire their behaviour.


The Challenges are huge, but the opportunities are even higher.


Must be made in a respectable way and used decently.


Lars Krøyer Sommerlund

Lars Krøyer Sommerlund

Chief Executive Officer,
Founder and Board

Lars has over 30 years of consulting, development and project management experience from SAP and SAP related business. Further he has developed a highly successful software to different industries. He has worked closely with Colerado based company to develop application both to B2C and B2B in US marked.
He has lived in Germany and Ukraine and has founded several companies, including R5 (a successful SAP consulting company), GEO-PAK and BMTP.

  • M. Sc. Business Systems Engineering from Aalborg University (AUC).
Freddy Engel

Freddy Engel

Chair and Lead Investor

Freddy has over 38 years of business experience from Ford Motor, Nissan Motor, IDC, SAP and SAP related businesses. Hereof 30 years within technology at top executive level in Europe, US, Middle East, and Asia. He is a serial entrepreneur with several successful exits from various countries.

  • B. Sc. in Economics and Business Administration from Copenhagen Business School (CBS)
  • B. Com. Degree Diploma in Economics and Marketing Management from CBS
  • Exam State Certified Real Estate Agent from the Ministry of Industry
  • Yacht Master First Degree from the Ministry of Marine Education
  • NBC Specialist (Nuclear, Biology, Chemical) from the Royal Army
  • Various board memberships
Janus Benn Sørensen

Janus Benn Sørensen


Janus has 12 years of entrepreneurial experience founding and managing, which became the Nordic´s largest digital publishing house changing the entire industry. Exitted the company with 200+ employees in 2018. Further on he has been an investor and board member in many companies working in the tech field.

  • Cand. Mag. History and Political Science
  • 4 times gazelle winner
  • Talent 100
  • Various board memberships



Activator Group is an ambitious consulting company that focuses on creating change and business for companies.

Our core services, business and organizational development, management training, project management and search & selection, each individually - and in many cases as an integrated service - contribute to the development of our customers' business.


Bestyrelsesforeningen is a non-profit organization whose mission is to promote Corporate Governance and board work with a focus on value creation and sustainable growth - for the benefit of the individual companies and for society as a whole. The association was founded in a collaboration between the Danish business community and the corporate governance environment around Copenhagen Business School.


Skoletube is a nationwide portal of tools for Danish schools. Skoletube is owned by Lærit and is used by more than 90% of Danish schools. Learn more about Skoletube here and Lærit here



Lars Krøyer Sommerlund

Lars Krøyer Sommerlund


Company aps


Drejensvej 114
6000 Kolding





+45 2421 8841